Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bluefig U

I was fortunate enough to take my boys snowboarding recently on Mt. Hood. As a teen and into early adulthood, I rode often and enjoyed it, however, I found the expense and accessibility became more difficult as the kids were born and a house was bought, etc, etc... Now, I have rekindled the thrill and hope my boys will do the same. As they took lessons to capture the basics of this sport, I watched from the base of the hill and saw them quickly respond, and within an hour, they were heading down the hill, albeit tentatively at first. I made a point of keeping my opinions, instruction, and advice out of the conversation to start. I figured it best if it came from a foreign voice, perhaps one that seemed to be more connected with the sport. It was the right call. Kurt the instructor was ripe for teaching the two teens.

Which brings me to Bluefig U. This new concept in our Bluefig line sets kids, and adults, or whoever, on a course to learn to sew using simple and straightforward patterns pre-cut by Bluefig. While the items are meant to be simplistic in nature and probably not considered high fashion, one can take the product through easy steps to success. The good news is that most can do these their own, not needing a lot of oversight by a meddling parent. Better yet, have an experienced sewing educator take the reigns and drive the student to success! Nothing better than finishing positive with positive reinforcement.

Check out Bluefig U here:


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