Friday, March 30, 2012

Amazing Week - Thanks!

I am seldom overwhelmed by a week's work, however, this week was one that potentially might. I say potentially because I still have to work through the weekend. We're moving, busy with projects, high profile clients abound, and the stress is evident for all, however I feel like we always work better when the pressure rises. The key to that is keeping it up.

This week I have to congratulate some stellar employee work:

1. Cheryl Moore - Cheryl's a rock star in our plant and this week she delivered a proto that just blew me away. I was so proud that we turned out such good work, and she mad e it all happen! Good work Cheryl, and thank you!

2. Charlie - Charlie has only been with us a few months, but he is quickly becoming someone I trust and can count on. Thanks for hanging in there in an unfamiliar environment and pressing through.

3. Bruce - Our GM in Stevenson went above and beyond with his delivery on some metal work this week. I can't tell you what a resource he is and how much he means to us! Thank you Bruce!

4. Ricardo Alcides Tupayachi Marmanillo - That is a mouthful... But Ricky hammered out so much cutting this week I have to give a big hearty pat on the back to my Peruvian brother. Thanks Ricky!

5. Last, but never least, Michele - Once again we hit targets that we thought might be difficult! Thanks Michele for killing it!

All in all it was a great week. Must be thankful to all for helping and pushing through the usual chaos! Thank you all!

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