Friday, March 30, 2012

Amazing Week - Thanks!

I am seldom overwhelmed by a week's work, however, this week was one that potentially might. I say potentially because I still have to work through the weekend. We're moving, busy with projects, high profile clients abound, and the stress is evident for all, however I feel like we always work better when the pressure rises. The key to that is keeping it up.

This week I have to congratulate some stellar employee work:

1. Cheryl Moore - Cheryl's a rock star in our plant and this week she delivered a proto that just blew me away. I was so proud that we turned out such good work, and she mad e it all happen! Good work Cheryl, and thank you!

2. Charlie - Charlie has only been with us a few months, but he is quickly becoming someone I trust and can count on. Thanks for hanging in there in an unfamiliar environment and pressing through.

3. Bruce - Our GM in Stevenson went above and beyond with his delivery on some metal work this week. I can't tell you what a resource he is and how much he means to us! Thank you Bruce!

4. Ricardo Alcides Tupayachi Marmanillo - That is a mouthful... But Ricky hammered out so much cutting this week I have to give a big hearty pat on the back to my Peruvian brother. Thanks Ricky!

5. Last, but never least, Michele - Once again we hit targets that we thought might be difficult! Thanks Michele for killing it!

All in all it was a great week. Must be thankful to all for helping and pushing through the usual chaos! Thank you all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Spring rallied last week with 3 bright sunny days and a 64 degree afternoon. Just when the tulips thought they had their chance, BAM! - It snowed. The northwest is definitely unpredictable at times, but I love the fact that one day we have mild, balmy weather and the next you are layering fleece and pounding cocoa.

The awful seasonal reminder did come last week as well - It's allergy season. The dreaded hay fever, itchy eyes, scratchy throat, and sneeze-o-rama ensued just when mother nature relaxed. Bummer, will have to endure the next few months with sprays and eye drops...

Hey, I heard the recession is over? But then I read that a local company just laid off 36 folks due to declining sales. A local medical device manufacturer has dropped revenues in the millions - according to them they can no longer bill insurance for their products under the health care reform legislation. I guess we are seeing some of the negative aspects of that. However, I did speak to some local ladies who just started a B2B services company that got $1.3M in funding... They'll be hiring I am sure... Not sure what to make of the inconsistency overall. It is still a struggle for a lot of companies, ourselves included. Whatever you do, don't quit. Some people want you to quit. They want you to lay down and whimper so they can say 'I told you so.' I don't play that game. Pull your hair back and let them have it...

Talk soon, Will