Thursday, August 18, 2011


There's something cool about Bremerton. Standing at the Kitsap Convention Center, overlooking the Sinclair Inlet, Navy vessels on both sides staring down the glow from the sunset. Cool breeze blowing and seagulls crying. Just a neat picture.

I love to visit Seattle. Riding the ferries across the sound from town to town, smelling the sea air and watching time move slowly. I grew up fishing with my dad near San Francisco, the remotely familiar scent of Puget Sound reminds me of those days. Wrangling salmon and being exhausted after 10 hours near the Farallons. Now every time I visit Seattle I think of those times, and a slight smile comes to my face.

Visited a client in SODO Wednesday. Boy, is there a lot going on in our industry near Safeco and that area. Love to visit and sometimes hate to leave.

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